13 de novembro de 2018


Hi guys, how are you? I hope so
Pleasure, Nay and Welcome to the blog!

Love is weakness.
Which is why Annabelle Mills vowed a long time ago to never let it destruct her. A former pageant queen with a bite equally as lethal as her bark, she’s interning at her dream job on the set of the highest-rated home design show on television. Everything in Annabelle’s life, though it may be cold and isolated, is going exactly as she always planned.
Until her ex-high school sweetheart moves to town. The same boy that she cheated on, once upon a time, essentially breaking both of their hearts. But no one knows the full story, and being vulnerable enough to open up about it is not on Annabelle’s checklist.
Hate is fuel.
The kind that courses through Boone Graham’s veins and allows him to shut out everyone around him. As the hottest rookie on Austin’s professional baseball team, he should be spending his days hitting home runs and signing jerseys. Except he’s seen dreams ripped right out from under those closest to him, leaving them with nothing.
Without a college degree, he’ll never take the risk of pursuing his real dream. But when he runs into the girl who took a mallet to his heart and stopped it beating, attending the same university might just be the biggest challenge he’s faced yet.
As the semester unfolds, the line between love and hate is blurred. And with the amount of baggage stacked between them, together is the last thing they want to be.
That’s the thing about hearts, though. They develop plans all on their own.

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For today's crazy important post a review of a book that enchanted me, in ''You're The One I Don't Want'' by Carrie Aarons we know Annabelle who is a peculiar person. She is known as many say the Evil Queen, the girl who does not care for others or who and is selfish. So still in school, she knows Boone, the rookie of the Baseball Team which makes him throw his curiosity on him, but unfortunately, she betrays him. Making them separate and hurt each other, until years later he moves to the city so that he can have better opportunities in his career. With that, they are obliged to meet again, but it will be necessary to take their feelings for each other, know they need to know if is good or bad.

Carrie's writing is phenomenal, it is light and fluid in the right measure. Despite being in another language which I am accustomed, she has a write enchanted everyone. The way she works and develops her characters is amazing, make us identify with each other in the course of the plot.

''She’s poison to me, makes me want to do crazy things. I drop her hand as the thought crosses my mind, as if she’s burned me.''
The point I liked most was Annabelle, she is an awesome character, human and she is what she says, without victimizing. She is both the young lady when the villain to herself because your biggest villain is your past. The both own your past, in which they are injured but that makes them get to this day. Anna is character fascinating to read, in the course of history I ended up falling in love with her and her feelings. Your past is sad and cruel with her, making you not get people to approach her and let them see the bright person who is. In this book can know more about her life and how she is beyond the appearance, in which she makes her shield.

As I spoke before both have a past in which they are affected, but it is beautiful to read how the author approached both characters and how they both were healing just as true love does without leaving the person who is on the side. It is very great and fun to see how love, hatred, and power of both walk side by side, for in much of the book possess all the feelings possible for each other in an attempt not to surrender to what they really feel and to an overpowering feeling.

“And I see you’re just as focused on yourself as ever. You never did care what anyone else was doing, did you, Boone?” She folds her arms over her chest and my eyes stray to her boobs in a sizzle of heat between us.''

In this book, some topics such as alcoholism, leave and others are approached by the author in a delighted and real way.
Another point that deserves to be emphasized are the secondary characters, they are amazing leaving the story even more incredible. Besides we can learn more about Cain and Haper from the previous book, remembering that it is not necessary to read the first to understand this but it is good if you do, we can see what happens after the happy end of them, however we know new characters that have enchanted me, especially Ramona and James they are excellent people I have admiring them a lot.
''We’re like a bunch of children fighting like cats and dogs out in the street. How can she still pull out every insecure and immature trait within me? My brain is moving seconds slower than it usually does, and I know I’m standing here staring too long. Even though I hate Annabelle Mills, I can’t help but memorize every detail about her for the first time I’ve seen her in about five years.''

This book was more than a simple reading was a book that I had fun in the course of the pages, I identified myself, I was thrilled and a rich reading for my life. I always do a reflection on the books I read, always try to take the best of each life as a reader and writer in this book I could know more about myself and about your past that can be nothing but can influence and much in your life.

I loved getting to know more about Annabell and Boone, seeing their personal growth in this book was beautiful and just Carrie Aarons captivated me even more for her books and person. 

''Talk about a bitch. She’d always been aggressive, harsh, and just a little bit more high-maintenance than any of the other girls. It’s what had drawn me to her. And then seeing those glimpses of vulnerability, that’s what had made me stay. It was addicting feeling like you were the only one who got to see the nice side of the mean girl.''
You're The One I Don't Want is a book that will enchant many hearts, it's a book about love, past and how we can move on, about two people in which they play with each other but only to deceive their hearts and can surrender to each other. This book goes way beyond the stereotype of a bad girl and the baseball player, but also a book on vulnerability. Come and meet and be enchanted by this story.

''We love each other more than we annoy each other. We love each other more than our mistakes.''
In the course of the book, I listened to a song that fits perfectly into this book, at least in my opinion that is ''Bad Reputation'' of Shawn Mendes. It's a song that talks a lot about these books feelings that Anna and Boone pass through. I hope you enjoy!
Olá, tudo bem com voce?Espero que sim
Prazer, Nay e Bem Vinda(o) ao Blog!

Love is weakness.
Which is why Annabelle Mills vowed a long time ago to never let it destruct her. A former pageant queen with a bite equally as lethal as her bark, she’s interning at her dream job on the set of the highest-rated home design show on television. Everything in Annabelle’s life, though it may be cold and isolated, is going exactly as she always planned.
Until her ex-high school sweetheart moves to town. The same boy that she cheated on, once upon a time, essentially breaking both of their hearts. But no one knows the full story, and being vulnerable enough to open up about it is not on Annabelle’s checklist.
Hate is fuel.
The kind that courses through Boone Graham’s veins and allows him to shut out everyone around him. As the hottest rookie on Austin’s professional baseball team, he should be spending his days hitting home runs and signing jerseys. Except he’s seen dreams ripped right out from under those closest to him, leaving them with nothing.
Without a college degree, he’ll never take the risk of pursuing his real dream. But when he runs into the girl who took a mallet to his heart and stopped it beating, attending the same university might just be the biggest challenge he’s faced yet.
As the semester unfolds, the line between love and hate is blurred. And with the amount of baggage stacked between them, together is the last thing they want to be.
That’s the thing about hearts, though. They develop plans all on their own.

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O post de hoje é muito importante porque é uma resenha de um livro que me encantou muito. Em ''You're the One I Don't Want '' por Carrie Aarons conhecemos Annabelle que é uma pessoa peculiar. Ela é conhecida como muitos dizem a rainha má, a menina que não se importa com os outros ou que é egoísta. Então, ainda na escola, ela conhece Boone, o novato da equipe de beisebol que o faz atiça sua curiosidade sobre ele, mas, infelizmente, ela o trai. Fazendo-os se separ e ferindo um ao outro, até anos mais tarde ele se muda para a cidade para que ele possa ter melhores oportunidades em sua carreira. Com isso, eles são obrigados a se reunir novamente, mas será necessário conhecer seus sentimentos um pelo outro, agora precisa-se saber se são sentimentos bons ou ruins.

A escrita de Carrie é fenomenal, é leve e fluida na medida certa. Apesar de estar em outro idioma de que estou acostumado, ela tem uma escrita encanta todos. A maneira como ela trabalha e desenvolve seus personagens é surpreendente, nós faz identificar com os personagens ao decorrer do enredo.
''She’s poison to me, makes me want to do crazy things. I drop her hand as the thought crosses my mind, as if she’s burned me.''
O ponto que eu mais gostei foi a Annabelle, ela é personagem incrível, humana é quem diz, sem vitimizar. Ela é tanto a mocinha quando o vilão para si mesma, o seu maior vilão é o seu passado. Ambo possuem seu passado, em que eles estão feridos, que os mudou. Anna é personagem fascinante de ler, no decorrer da história eu acabei caindo de amores por ela e seus sentimentos. Seu passado é triste e cruel com ela, fazendo com que não deixe as pessoas se aproximarem dele e veja a pessoa brilhante que é. 

Neste livro pode saber mais sobre sua vida e como ela está além da aparência, em que Anna usa como seu escudo. 
Como falei anteriormente ambos têm um passado em que são afetados, mas é bonito ler como a autora aproximou ambos os personagens e como ambos se curam, apenas como o amor verdadeiro faz. É muito bom e divertido ver como o amor, o ódio, e o poder de ambos andam lado a lado, pois em grande parte do livro possuem todos os sentimentos possíveis para o outro em uma tentativa de não se render ao que eles realmente sentem e a um sentimento irresistível.
“And I see you’re just as focused on yourself as ever. You never did care what anyone else was doing, did you, Boone?” She folds her arms over her chest and my eyes stray to her boobs in a sizzle of heat between us.''
Neste livro, alguns temas como o alcoolismo, abandono e outros são abordados pela autora de uma forma delicada e real.Outro ponto que merece ser enfatizado são os personagens secundários, eles são incríveis deixando a história ainda mais incrível. Além disso, podemos conhecer mais sobre Cain e Haper a partir do livro anterior, lembrando que não é necessário ler o primeiro a entender isso, mas é bom se você fizer, podemos ver o que acontece após o final feliz deles, no entanto, conhecemos novos personagens que me encantaram, especialmente Ramona e James são excelentes pessoas que eu admirei muito neste livro.
''We’re like a bunch of children fighting like cats and dogs out in the street. How can she still pull out every insecure and immature trait within me? My brain is moving seconds slower than it usually does, and I know I’m standing here staring too long. Even though I hate Annabelle Mills, I can’t help but memorize every detail about her for the first time I’ve seen her in about five years.''
Este livro foi mais do que uma simples leitura foi um livro que me diverti no decorrer das páginas, eu me identifiquei, eu me emocionei e foi uma leitura rica para a minha vida. Eu sempre faço uma reflexão sobre os livros que eu leio, tento tirar o melhor de cada um para minha vida como leitora e escrita neste livro eu pude saber mais sobre mim e sobre como o seu passado que pode ser nada aparentemente mais influência e muito em sua vida.
''Talk about a bitch. She’d always been aggressive, harsh, and just a little bit more high-maintenance than any of the other girls. It’s what had drawn me to her. And then seeing those glimpses of vulnerability, that’s what had made me stay. It was addicting feeling like you were the only one who got to see the nice side of the mean girl.''
Eu adorei conhecer mais sobre Annabelle e Boone, vendo o seu crescimento pessoal neste livro foi lindo e Carrie Aarons cativou-me ainda mais com seus livros e pessoa. 
You're The One I Don't Want é um livro que vai encantar muitos corações, é um livro sobre o amor, passado e como podemos seguir em diante, sobre duas pessoas em que ''jogam'' um com o outro, mas apenas para enganar seus corações. Este livro vai muito além do estereótipo de uma menina má e do jogador de beisebol e também um livro sobre vulnerabilidade. Venha conhecer e se encantar com essa história. 
''We love each other more than we annoy each other. We love each other more than our mistakes.''
No decorrer do livro, eu escutei uma música que se encaixa perfeitamente neste livro, pelo menos na minha opinião, que é ''Bed Reputation'' do Shawn Mendes. É uma música que fala muito sobre os sentimentos dos livros que Anna e Boone sentem. Espero que gostem!
Espero que tenham gostado da resenha de hoje! Não se esqueça de comentar o que achou. 
Beijos e até a próxima! 

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